Toucan Help - Sync

  1. The source and destination boxes are where you set the paths required for the operation. The buttons on the right allow you to select a file or folder, depending on what is required. You can also drag and drop files or folders from Explorer into the Sync fields.
  2. The insert portable variable buttons allow you to easily add portable variables without having to type them.
  3. The Save and Open buttons allow you to save all of the information on the screen so that you can easily use it again. You also need the saved jobs for the command line interface.
  4. See Sync Functions below.
  5. The retain attributes checkbox allows you to keep the files timestamps and attributes intact through the sync operation. The preview box allows you to see what the app will do before the action is carried out so that you can make sure it works correctly.
  6. The exclusions box allows you to ignore file types and folder names from the operation. To exclude a folder simply add its name (e.g. App) and to exclude a file type add its extension with the leading dot (e.g. to exclude programs add '.exe' without the quotes). In Copy, Update and Equalise functions these folders and files are simply ignored. In the Mirror function all of the files in the destination directory will be removed and only the non excluded ones copied back in.

Sync Functions

There are five sync functions, they are: