Toucan Help - Secure

  1. The file browser is where you select which files to encrypt or decrypt.
  2. The Add and Remove buttons allow you to add a file/folder from the file browser the the encryption/decryption list.
  3. The Save and Open buttons function differently in Secure than in Sync or Backup as it only saves the encryption/decryption list and the function. This means that you will always need to provide the password, where in the GUI or command line.
  4. The final two buttons are the standard insert portable variables button, at the bottom, and a button that converts the selected item in the encryption/decryption list to be relative to the @drive@ variable.
  5. The encryption/decryption list is where you can see which files and folders are going to be encrypted/decrypted. You can also drag files or folders from Explorer into the box to add them to the list.
  6. The two functions are Encrypt and Decrypt. Please note that it cannot encrypt/decrypt read only files.
  7. You can select either to encrypt using Rijndael or Blowfish. Rijndael gives the bonus' of appending an extension to encrypted files so that they are safer and usually it is faster to encrypt. If you encrypted files with Toucan 1.1 or below then you must decrypt them using the Blowfish method.
  8. Finally you need to enter your password twice and if you are using Blowfish encryption it must be equal to or longer than eight characters and equal to or less than sixteen characters.