Toucan Help - Command Line

Please note that the Toucan.exe file in the folder Toucan/App/toucan should be used rather than its launcher in the root directory.


Toucan <job name> 
Where <job name> is the name of a previously saved Sync job, you can save these from the GUI. Toucan will run the job and then exit without loading the graphical user interface.  If there is a space in the job name you will need to wrap it in quotes.

Backup & Secure

Toucan <job name> <password> <repeated password>
Where <job name> is the name of a previously saved Secure or Backup job and <password> is the password that you want to use . Toucan will run the job and then exit without loading the graphical user interface and will output its progress to the command line. If there is a space in the job name you will need to wrap it in quotes.